About this site

Welcome to my research notebook

As explained on the homepage (aka README), I'm currently running some experiments to figure out how best to integrate Large Language Models with MyHub.ai, which I launched in early 2020, just as the Covid pandemic swept the world.

My personal hub on MyHub is both an example of what a Hub is, and gives you a fair idea of the sorts of things I am into and where to connect with me.

Given that I am managing my research notes in Obsidian, sharing them here via a massive wiki (below) was the obvious solution.

This site is a massive wiki

This is my second massive wiki - I made a short video about the first: Why I'm massively into massive.wiki (and why you should be too).

No time to watch. Well, a massive wiki is essentially:

  • my notes (in this case on my experiments with integrating MyHub.ai with Large Language Models), stored on my PCs in markdown format and edited using my preferred markdown editor (Obsidian)
  • synched to a GitHub repository: https://github.com/mathewlowry/myhub-gpt
  • and from there published to experiments.myhub.ai by the MassiveWiki publishing kit
  • with bidirectional links, so at the bottom of every page you'll find all the incoming links - ie, links to all the pages which link to the page you're on.

How is this different from any other site?

It means that (if you wish), you can Clone the Repository , which:

  • downloads a copy of all my experimental notes - the collections, prompts, summarisers, responses and analyses - onto your PC. There you can browse them just as easily as you can online using the editor of your choice
  • allows you to download any updates made to them in the future with a click of a button
  • allows you to contribute your own... in theory (I haven't decided whether I'll open this up to contributions yet, but I have activated Discussions on the GitHub repository, so let me know if you'd like to collaborate).

It's pretty cool and totally open-source, and allows any group to share and collaborate using whatever editor they want (markdown is a common standard) and share their results with the rest of the world.

You will need to install Git on your machine (it's easy!) and have an markdown editor app. The latter will allow you to both browse these files like they're a website on your personal machine, and edit them. If this is new to you, I'd start with my markdown editor of choice: Obsidian.