Page Change By Date
MyHub on the ATmosphere tweaks mathewlowry 2025-02-17, 19:18
AI4Communities on the ATmosphere tweaks mathewlowry 2024-12-15, 11:21
AI4Communities post tweaks mathewlowry 2024-12-15, 11:21
AI4Communities on the Fediverse ATmosphere apps mathewlowry 2024-12-08, 16:46
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities on Bluesky 1 ATmosphere apps mathewlowry 2024-12-08, 16:46
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities on Bluesky 2 ATmosphere apps mathewlowry 2024-12-08, 16:46
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities post v6 ATmosphere apps mathewlowry 2024-12-08, 16:46
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities 1 tidying up mathewlowry 2024-11-17, 13:35
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities 2 tidying up mathewlowry 2024-11-17, 13:35
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities 3 tidying up mathewlowry 2024-11-17, 13:35
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities 4 tidying up mathewlowry 2024-11-17, 13:35
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities on the Fediverse 1 tidying up mathewlowry 2024-11-17, 13:35
permanent versions/ai4communities/AI4Communities post v5 tidying up mathewlowry 2024-11-17, 13:35
AI4Communities on Nostr tweaks mathewlowry 2024-11-16, 17:50
Brave example post newsletter 2 revisions mathewlowry 2024-11-16, 16:39
experiments/ai4communities/Fediverse Overview - v3 tweaks mathewlowry 2024-11-12, 19:51
experiments/ai4communities/AI4Communities index fediverse overview v3 mathewlowry 2024-11-12, 07:51
Bluesky feeds subfiles and bluesky mathewlowry 2024-11-10, 17:31
experiments/ai4communities/Fediverse Overview subfiles and bluesky mathewlowry 2024-11-10, 17:31
Ideas log tweakpost mathewlowry 2024-10-08, 18:07
blowing hot and cold about AI ai4communities mathewlowry 2024-10-08, 12:28
responses/visualisations/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2c-A-Visual_Posters_for_Vaccine_Strategy fix mathewlowry 2024-09-14, 15:55
about/AIgents behind the scenes cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
about/experimental methods cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
about/LLM integration plans cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
about/pilot MyHub ChatGPT integration cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
experiments/experiment 1 - newsletter cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
experiments/experiment 10 cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
experiments/experiment 6 - ideator GPT cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
experiments/experiment 9 cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
experiments/experiment log cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
permanent versions/chatgpt integration plans 1 cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
permanent versions/pilot MyHub ChatGPT integration 1 cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
README cleanup mathewlowry 2024-02-22, 19:30
experiments/experiment 7 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
experiments/experiment 8 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt35 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt35-extract-blogpost1 1 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt35-extract-blogpost2 1 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt4-extract-blogpost1 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt4-extract-blogpost2 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt4-extract-blogpost3 prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
responses/c-7-allnotes-themes-and-posts prep for newsletter mathewlowry 2024-02-06, 09:58
analysis/experiment 6 analysis experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
prompts/NetflixThis GPT experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/C-10-fullnotes-gpt4-extract-newsletter experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/C-10-fullnotes-response-gpt4 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/C-10-S-0-extract-newsletter 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/C-10-S-0-response 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/C-10-S-0-response-extract-blogpost 2 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/C-10-S-0-response-extract-blogpost-1 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/euwordsalad 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/Experiment 6 - response 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/images/Experiment 6 Idea Weaver response part 2 - images experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
responses/NetflixThis-Infinity_Campaign_Political_Fantasy 1 experiment 10 mathewlowry 2024-02-05, 14:15
collections/C-10 exp10 fullnotes mathewlowry 2024-01-15, 08:03
collections/C-10-fullnotes exp10 fullnotes mathewlowry 2024-01-15, 08:03
responses/C-10-fullnotes-3-5-extract-newsletter exp10 fullnotes mathewlowry 2024-01-15, 08:03
responses/C-9-S-0-p5-response exp10 fullnotes mathewlowry 2024-01-15, 08:03
responses/C-9-S-0-p5-response-images exp10 fullnotes mathewlowry 2024-01-15, 08:03
permanent versions/experiment round 1 - archived exp 10 mathewlowry 2024-01-12, 08:26
responses/C-8-1-S-0-response excleanup mathewlowry 2024-01-09, 07:40
responses/C-8-1-S-0-response-outcome excleanup mathewlowry 2024-01-09, 07:40
responses/C-8-2-allnotes-response excleanup mathewlowry 2024-01-09, 07:40
responses/C-8-2-allnotes-response-outcome excleanup mathewlowry 2024-01-09, 07:40
Untitled 1 excleanup mathewlowry 2024-01-09, 07:40
experiments/experiment 5 - ideator tidying up, exp 5 analysis mathewlowry 2024-01-02, 12:51
experiments/experiments 2 3 4 - knowledge visualisation tidying up, exp 5 analysis mathewlowry 2024-01-02, 12:51
responses/c-5_allnotes-response-p5 tidying up, exp 5 analysis mathewlowry 2024-01-02, 12:51
about/about this massive wiki about update mathewlowry 2023-12-21, 08:51
collections/C-8-2-allnotes experiment 8 mathewlowry 2023-12-17, 16:26
collections/C-8-2-allnotes1 experiment 8 mathewlowry 2023-12-17, 16:26
collections/C-7-allnotes exp7 2 mathewlowry 2023-12-14, 17:55
responses/c-7-allnotes-conversation exp7 2 mathewlowry 2023-12-14, 17:55
Untitled exp7 2 mathewlowry 2023-12-14, 17:55
prompts/agent prompts and gpts experiment 7 - 1 mathewlowry 2023-12-14, 07:46
analysis/experiments 2 3 4 _ analysis trying to cimit, failing mathewlowry 2023-12-04, 08:07
permanent versions/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2c 2 tweak mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 18:54
permanent versions/experiments 2 3 4 _ analysis 1 tweak mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 18:54
responses/visualisations/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2c tweak mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 18:54
responses/visualisations/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2c-EU_Misinformation_Program_Model tweak mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 18:54
prompts/idea weaver gpt tidying up mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 18:18
prompts/prompt 2e - framework tidying up mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 18:18
code snippet dir forward exp4 continued mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 07:48
permanent versions/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2c-1 exp4 continued mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 07:48
responses/visualisations/ChatGPT-c-3_allnotes-resp-p-2c-temp exp4 continued mathewlowry 2023-11-29, 07:48
responses/visualisations/C-2_s-0-response-p-2 filename image mathewlowry 2023-11-28, 10:05
responses/visualisations/c-3_s-0-response-p-2 filename image mathewlowry 2023-11-28, 10:05
prompts/prompt 2c - themes and resources visualised exp4 - renaming, tidying mathewlowry 2023-11-28, 09:55
prompts/prompt 2d - themes and resources visualised exp4 - renaming, tidying mathewlowry 2023-11-28, 09:55
responses/visualisations/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2d exp4 - renaming, tidying mathewlowry 2023-11-28, 09:55
responses/visualisations/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2b-1 exp4 analysis begins mathewlowry 2023-11-24, 07:38
responses/visualisations/c-3_allnotes-response-p-2b-2 exp4 analysis begins mathewlowry 2023-11-24, 07:38
test neato visualisation exp4 analysis begins mathewlowry 2023-11-24, 07:38
responses/images/Experiment 6 - response-images exp 6 analysis mathewlowry 2023-11-14, 12:40
analysis/Experiment 1 analyses another fix mathewlowry 2023-11-12, 11:15
about/Experimental nomenclature - archived fix exp 1 mathewlowry 2023-11-12, 11:13
analysis/experiment 1 analysis chatgpt execsummary fix exp 1 mathewlowry 2023-11-12, 11:13
prompts/prompt 2b - themes visualised filename fixes and other tweaks mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:54
collections/C-1_allnotes filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:39
prompts/rss to clean notes prompt filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:39
summarisers in summary filename fixes and methods updated mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:32
collections/c-3_allnotes more filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:19
collections/c-3_s-1-150 more filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:19
collections/c-5_allnotes more filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:19
prompts/prompt 2 - themes more filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:19
prompts/prompt 5 - ideate more filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:19
responses/c-5_allnotes-response-p1b more filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:19
collections/C-1_s-0 filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:08
collections/C-1_s-1-150 filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:08
prompts/Prompt 1 - newsletter filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:08
responses/c-1_allnotes-response-p-1 filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:08
responses/c-1_s-0-response-p-1 filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:08
responses/c-1_s-1-150-response-p-1 filename fixes mathewlowry 2023-11-11, 13:08
collections/C-3-allnotes-part1 lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
collections/C-3-allnotes-part2 lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/C-3-S-1-150-response-P-2b lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/comparisons/chatgpt-process_rss_items-summarize1 lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/comparisons/chatgpt-process_rss_items-summarize2 lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/comparisons/chatgpt-process_rss_items-summarize3 lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/comparisons/chatgpt-process_rss_items-summarize4 lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/comparisons/understanding_public_space_concept lowercase mathewlowry 2023-11-10, 11:14
responses/visualisations/ChatGPT integration test 3 analyse visualise reorganised, added experiments 2-4 (ongoing) mathewlowry 2023-09-09, 13:27