Experiment 5: ideas from resources

While I investigate visualisation options for finishing Experiment 4, I've decided to build on the results of experiment 1 - newsletter.

Status: underway.


  • Collection 5: stuff I Hubbed week ending 2023-10-22: c-5_allnotes
  • Prompt: prompt 5 - ideate
    • designed to reflect the recommend from Experiment 1: "Use ChatGPT outputs as idea generators rather than sources of literal truth"
    • I also included the requirement to follow the ideas with a newsletter-like summary as in Prompt 1 - newsletter . It didn't really do that, but when I asked it a 2nd time it included summary/links after each idea, a nice bonus.
    • I also asked it for a newsletter summary without an editorial
  • hence there are 2 Responses
  • Analysis: the 10 ideas in c-5_allnotes-response-p5 are what I would call "cursory" in nature: a few lines combining some basic, superficial ideas from two resources to create a third along the lines of "combines the XXX capabilities of knowledge graphs with YYY's abilities to do ZZZ". None of them are exactly original: AI-enhanced writing, content validation or fact-checking, 1-2 personal assistants and image generation tools, a medical assistant.
  • Conclusion: It could simply be a numbers game, so worth trying again to see if something emerges from the next 10 resources, or the next 5.