experiment 8

Like experiment 7, here I'm riffing off a second extract from a #ZNLive interview I did with ZN (see the full interview on linkedin).

One of my main goals was to see how much difference there is in the quality of responses between:

Unfortunately, the collection I chose was too long for the "full notes" approach, so I used only the best resources. Still makes for an interesting comparison.


  • a 2m07 chat on LinkedIn on alternative social media and their implications for communication strategies.
  • Collection 8: there are actually 2 collections in this experiment:
  • prompt: a custom prompt: "I am interested in the possibilities offered by the "fediverse" - open, decentralised social media networks. I will give you some resources, I want you to suggest ways that organisations can use these networks to build online communities on their own websites, deeply interconnected with the wider Fediverse. Here are the resources:"
  • responses:
  • analysis:
    • both responses made convincing cases, but as always need to be checked for hallucinations by a well-qualified software engineer.
    • creating a prompt to get ChatGPT to describe a project by writing its website's About page and FAQs shows promise.
    • Comparing both responses side-by-side:
      • the initial responses were both pretty beside the point, so I used my followup to refocus, using an old technique of mine to get clients to "get concrete" about what it is they want to achieve (see previous bullet). While the followups were almost identical, they were customised to reflect the initial responses:
        • C-8-1 focused on the "stream/garden" metaphor
        • C-8-2 preferred 'Online Parks'.
      • Their "About pages" were equally bland, although C-8-2 at least came up with a name for the site ("GreenFieldsEU")
      • The first 3 FAQs were pretty identical, while the last 2-3 diverged. None were badly written, and make a convincing case for their platforms. I can easily imagine this sort of content appearing relatively convincing in, say, a tender document
      • I then asked a series of more and more specific questions, to force ChatGPT away from making vague statements.
        • In C-8-1-S-0-response ChatGPT pushed the gardening metaphor amusingly far ("Planting Seeds", "Growing and Tending", "Weeding and Pruning", etc.),
        • while C-8-2-allnotes-response was more ambitious for the site, including the full kitchen sink of functionalities, echoing suggestions I made to the EU's CORDIS site around 10 years ago.
      • I then asked to dig into the Fediverse/Community integration, asking ChatGPT to explain how and what would happen in three different scenarios. C-8-2-allnotes-response was far more concrete, offering single-sign-on authentication, direct integration, user preferences for sharing, etc.