This is extracted from c-7-allnotes-conversation, part of experiment 7.

Internal and external comms (experiment 7 extract)


*The above visualisation presents a number of themes (grey ellipses) identified within a collection of resources on my Hub (yellow squares).

Themes and Related Resources

Communications Strategy and Business Integration: Highlights the importance of integrating communications strategy with other business strategies for innovation and performance. Relevant Resources:

Employee Engagement and Internal Communication: Emphasizes engaging employees through internal communication and its impact on business results and external perceptions. Relevant Resources:

Innovation in Organizational Practices: Discusses innovative practices within organizations, such as non-traditional management and communication methods. Relevant Resources:

The Role of Technology in Communication: Explores the use of technology in enhancing communication strategies within organizations. Relevant Resources:

The Power of Critical Thinking in Communication: Highlights the need for critical thinking in developing effective communication strategies. Relevant Resources:

The Future of Communications: Looks into evolving trends and future prospects in the field of communications. Relevant Resources:

Note that there was some linkrot in the original collection: Mike Klein's article is offline, as is Connected Enterprise's site, while Melcrum's URL repoints to "", complete with "Examples of  Communication Strategies for Hotels with Jacuzzi"(!). But it also resurfaced some good gems from the past, as well as a couple of mine, including An effective communications strategy must be connected to other strategies, which really covers the ground we discussed in ZNLive interview snippet 1, and is where I first presented what I mean by "swimming upstream":
