Experiment 9

Like experiment 7 and experiment 8, here I'm riffing off yet another excerpt from the LinkedIn #ZNLive chat, which covered the opportunities missed by organisations as diverse as the news industry and the European Commission when they outsourced their relationship with their audiences to social media walled gardens (see the full interview on linkedin), and the new opps provided by not only the fediverse (experiment 8) but also on-site communities and good old newsletters (cf Substack).


  • the ZNLive chat excerpt
  • Collection 9: this collection comes in two parts
  • prompt: I started with prompt 5 - ideate
  • response: C-9-S-0-p5-response
  • analysis:
    • I processed my first thoughts, below, a little more on LinkedIn: EU Converge - Bridging Communities for Inclusive Policy (a ChatGPT proposal)
    • first thoughts follow:
      • some of the first set of ideas looked intriguing
      • then I blew it by then adding just my own resources to generate the second - unsurprisingly, examples of everything it came up with can be found in my CV. I shouldn't need to be warned against the dangers of echo chambers
      • so I asked for a project integrating these ideas into a single project, and it came up with the "EU Converge" project - essentially, the approach I was working towards when at the EC from 2001-2006
        • aside: we're now a long way from Substack!
      • I then pasted in the entirety of a relatively recent article I wrote about The limits of public participation in policy and asked it to consider "the obstacles your "EU Converge" project would face in the light of this text, and propose solutions for overcoming them", and got a nice list of obstacles and corresponding solutions
        • as is typical with ChatGPT, there was a fair amount of glossing over the challenges with phrases like "Implement mechanisms to..." and "incorporate checks and balances to increase legitimacy" without actually explaining how - not for the first time, I'm getting echoes from the days or reading and answering EC tender documents
        • and many were very familiar - unsurprising, given that the inputs were my own! I would have sent ChatGPT everything I like tagged #EU and #Community (ie, not written by me) ... if I'd ever found any
        • having said that, point 5 introduced language (eg "continuous engagement and alignment... between public participation initiatives and policy development processes") that was not directly cribbed from my inputs - although the idea is there, it's at least expressed reasonably originally