Experiments 2 3 4 - knowledge visualisation

Experiments 2 & 3 were early experiments into thematic analysis and visualisation performed only via the chatgpt/myhub integration pilot, before I had the experimental system worked out. I then made Experiment 4 by tweaking the collections and prompts from Experiment 3.

Note that all visualisations (so far) involve asking ChatGPT to give me mermaid code, which I then need to paste into mermaid.live. Building this feature direct into MyHub.ai would be pretty cool... but only if it's actually useful. Hence these experiments.

TL:DR; experiments 2 3 4 _ analysis, and my newsletter: Visualising knowledge with MyHub.ai and ChatGPT

Experiment 2

  • Collection 2: "the best stuff I like" https://myhub.ai/@mathewlowry/?quality=best&types=like&timeframe=anytime
  • Summariser 0
    • AllNotes was too long for ChatGPT
  • Agent Prompt: prompt 2 - themes
  • Response: C-2_s-0-response-p-2

Experiment 3

  • Collection 3: "the best stuff tagged psychology and disinformation" https://myhub.ai/@mathewlowry/?tags=disinformation&types=like&timeframe=anytime&quality=best&tags=psychology
  • Summariser 0
  • Agent Prompt: prompt 2 - themes
  • Response: c-3_s-0-response-p-2

Experiment 4: C-3-S-1-150-P-2b/c

Aiming for a different style of visualisation - concept map, rather than mindmap - resulting in a new visualisation tool: