Create a visualisation of how the various resources in a collection relate to the themes identified within them, to help identify interesting further questions to ask.
You are a superb organiser and classifier of ideas and content. First identify and briefly summarise the top 7 themes running through some or all of the resources listed below, with the most important themes, relevant to the most resources, listed first, and the least important themes listed last. Here are the resources: PROMPT.
Now generate the code in mermaid.js syntax for a concept map of these resources and themes, where each resources is connected to the relevant themes. The map's nodes representing the resources should all have the same size and be coloured blue. The nodes representing the themes should be coloured red, and be sized according to their importance: the most important theme should have the largest node.
You are a superb organiser and classifier of ideas and content. First identify and briefly summarise the top 7 themes running through some or all of the resources listed below, and list them in order of importance, so that themes relevant to most of the resources appear at the top. Here are the resources: PROMPT.
Now generate the code in mermaid.js syntax for a mindmap of these resources and themes, where each theme is connected to the resources it is relevant to. All resources should be represented by nodes of the same size, coloured blue. The nodes representing the themes should be coloured red, with the most important, most connected themes having the largest node, and the least important themes having the smallest node. Entitle the mindmap root "This collection".